Jul. 06

30 – 30 – 30

Category > Fitness

Hello! For those of you looking to do a quickie home workout that is hugely effective try this 30 – 30 – 30 workout. 30 exercises; 30 seconds per exercise with a 30 second break in between. I will frequently post brand new versions of this at random so that you can change it up.

If you don’t have a full 30 minutes, cut out the break time :)

Record the number of reps you did for each exercise to track your progress.

    1. Burpees
    2. Speed Squats
    3. Crunches
    4. Shoulder Presses
    5. Push-ups
    6. Mountain Climbers
    7. Pop Squats
    8. Speed Skaters
    9. Reverse Crunches
    10. T-Push-ups

Complete 3 sets and don’t forget to do a cool down stretch! You can use any interval timer to time your progress, the one I use is a Gymboss.