Jul. 10
Do you have 1 min…or 14?
Category > Fitness
For the days that you haven’t got the time to get to the gym, don’t forgo your training, just modify it from a rep session to a time challenge. You’ll be done in no time and feel amazing to have squeezed this in (+it will likely boost your energy levels to get through the rest of your busy day).
Complete 1 minute of each exercise and take 10 seconds to prepare for the next. For the exercises with an asterix next to it, use a set of weights if you have them (I usually use between 5 – 8 lbs). If you don’t have a pair, invest in them…it’s beyond worth it & shouldn’t cost you more than $20 for a set.
Record the number of reps you did for each exercise to track your progress.
- Jump Rope
- Squats*
- Jumping Jacks
- Push-ups
- Shoulder Press*
- Mountain Climbers
- Deadlifts*
- Speed Squats
- Plank
- Tricep Extensions*
- Heels to Heaven (one of my favourite lower ab exercises)
- Alternating or Walking Lunges*
- Bicycle Crunches
- Bicep Curls*
